It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Body Piercing
EH Services Contact
- 407-665-3604
- 407-665-3239
To inquire about an inspection, please call our inspection line -
Mailing Location
400 W. Airport Blvd.
Sanford, Florida 32773
Physical Address Location
130 San Carlos Ave.
Sanford, Florida 32771
Body piercing is an invasive procedure that presents the potential for infection and can transmit blood borne pathogens, such as Hepatitis B, if minimum sanitary and safety standards are not met. Operators and piercers must be trained in infection-control procedures prior to licensure of a body-piercing salon. Training courses are reviewed and accepted by the Department of Health, Tallahassee Bureau of Facility Programs.
Body Piercing facilities - both permanent and temporary - must obtain a permit from the Department of Health and are inspected annually by an Environmental Health Specialist and a Health Department Nurse.
Body piercing facilities are required to provide pre-piercing instruction on how the procedure will be performed, possible risks and consequences, and after care instructions and restrictions. Prior to the piercing, the customer must sign and date a statement that they have received and discussed this information with the piercer. The piercer must also sign the form. A customer's record must be filled out and kept at the facility. This includes the customer name, address, phone number, physician name, address and phone, emergency name, address and phone, a list of allergies, history of bleedings disorders, date of all visits to the facility regarding piercing, body part to be pierced, description of the jewelry used in piercing, and description of any complications during the piercing, and the name of the piercer.
Minors under 18 years of age and at least 16 years of age must have a notarized consent form signed by their parent or legal guardian. The consent form must have a description of the type of piercing to be performed on the minor. Minors under 16 years of age must have notarized consent and be accompanied by the parent or legal guardian.
The piercing facility must display a notice of where and how to file a report of any injury resulting from the piercing. A copy of an injury report form should be supplied by the piercer.
All body piercing facilities located in Seminole County must apply to the Florida Department of Health in Seminole County for a permit.
The annual permit fee is $150
Make all checks payable to: The Florida Department of Health in Seminole County
For more information about this program visit the Florida Department of Health Body Piercing Program Website or please contact:
The Florida Department of Health in Seminole County or The Bureau of Community Environmental Health in Tallahassee
HSEC, 4052 Capital Circle SE, BIN A08, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-1710
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