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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Injury Prevention

Florida Department of Health in Seminole County

Injury is defined as “physical harm or damage to someone’s body.” Whether intentional or unintentional, injuries can be predicted and prevented.

Unintentional injuries include those that result from motor vehicle collisions (including those that involve pedestrians and bicyclists), drownings, falls, firearms, and recreational and sports-related activities.

Unintentional falls are the leading cause of injury death among Florida residents ages 65 years and older and the second leading cause of injury death overall. In addition, falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injury-related hospital admissions in Florida. By reducing their chance of a fall, older adults can stay independent and have an increased quality of life.

Together with our partners, we strive to reduce the impact of unintentional injuries through education, outreach, and community collaboration.


Per the National Human Trafficking Hotline, Florida ranks 3rd in the U.S. in human trafficking cases reported.

What is Human Trafficking?

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transporting, providing or obtaining, by any means, a person for labor or services involving forced labor, slavery or servitude in any industry, such as forced or coerced participation in agriculture, prostitution, manufacturing, or other industries or in domestic service or marriage (Freedom Network, based on the federal criminal law definitions of trafficking). Our Injury Prevention program aims to educate Seminole County residents about human trafficking and provide them with the resources to recognize and report potential cases.

How to Help

Children and adults can be victims of human trafficking. "If you see something, say something."

  • Contact the Florida Abuse Hotline 1-800-96-ABUSE (1-800-962-2873) to report known or suspected child abuse, neglect, or abandonment; and known or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult.
  • To report Human Trafficking to law enforcement in Florida, call 1-855-FLA-SAFE.
  • Text HELP to 233733 (BEFREE): To get help for victims and survivors of human trafficking or to connect with local services.