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Doula Training Partnership Project

Florida Department of Health in Seminole County

The Doula Training Partnership Project supports maternal and infant health by recruiting and training women in Seminole, Orange, Osceola, and Lake Counties as prenatal, birth, postpartum, and full spectrum doulas.

The project recognizes the unique challenges of maternal healthcare and demonstrates a commitment to enrich culturally diverse care providers and aims to improve birth experiences in underrepresented communities.

The Ultimate Guide to Doulas What is a Doula *Doulas are commonly thought of as birth coaches to help women through the difficult childbirth experience and aftermath *Doulas give emotional, informational, and even physical support to women, but they can also help the entire family with adjusting to their new lives. *Although doulas don't usually have formal obstetric training, they are certified --some of the classes they take can take up to a year to finish. 10 Benefits of Doulas *28% Decrease in the risk of Cesarean section. *60% Less likely to ask for an epidural during childbirth. *Shorter Labors, which is something no woman would argue with. *Higher APGAR scores for babies (heart rate, respiration, muscle tone). *Fewer births where forceps or vacuums are needed to assist with deliveries. *A reduced amount of anesthesia used and how long it is used for. *40% Less likely to need oxytocin to start labor or speed it up. *Women reporting a more positive birthing experience. *A reduction of the use of pain medications of any kind. *Women are reporting being more relaxed and calm during childbirth. Reasons to Hire a Doula *Labor can be harder than you think. *Your partner might need the help. *They aren't as expensive as you think. *They can give you solid information. *You want to use fewer medications. *They can give you post-partum help Questions to Ask Your Doula Doing Business *What is your background and experience? *How much do you charge? *Will you be available at all times, or do you use a back-up doula? *Will you be available for the postpartum period? *What ways can I contact you --through text, calling, or emails? Pre-Game Questions *Will you see me before birth or will the delivery room be our first get-together? *Have you been in any deliveries that have had complications? *Are you comfortable with home births in case I go that route? *Wil you be able to help me with breastfeeding form and issues? *Can I call you anytime --day or night? The Big Day *Will you be in the delivery room until I'm holding my baby? *What if my labor lasts 24 hours or longer --will you stay? *Will you work with my partner to address any concerns they have? *How do you help clients with their pain management? *Will you be comforting or try to take charge of the situation during delivery? Learn more at

Empower Birth * Embrace Support Become A Doula *Receive free training to work as a birth, labor, and postpartum doula. *Learn in-person from qualified doula trainers. *Provides mentoring and support to build a community of local doulas. For more information, contact 407-907-6621