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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Tobacco Prevention/NRT

Clinic Services Contacts

Florida Department of Health in Seminole CountyFlorida Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program

Tobacco Education and Prevention Program

400 W. Airport Blvd.
Sanford, FL  32773


Goals of the Tobacco Education and Prevention Program:

  • Prevention of youth tobacco use initiation

  • Cessation support for youth and adults

  • Reduction in exposure to second-hand smoke

The program includes objectives to establish and strengthen healthcare provider and community partnerships to provide resources and referrals to smokers who are ready to quit.

Health education initiatives also include information about chronic diseases related to tobacco use, such as asthma, diabetes, and COPD.


If you know someone who is ready to quit smoking, please refer them to our office at 407-665-3278 for free assistance.

Through an agreement with the Florida Department of Health, we can refer current smokers to the Quit-Your-Way hotline (1-877-822-6669), a free telephone-based cessation counseling service for those wanting to quit smoking.

The Quit-Your-Way line is currently offering nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum) to those who qualify. In addition to a phone quit line, Quit-Your-Way has group quit, web quit, and more quit tools available by visiting

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) NicoDerm Nicotine Treatment System 21mg Delivered over 24 hours. Stop Smoking Aid Clear Patch Extended Release 14 Clear Patches (2-Week Kit) Quitting tobacco is no easy task. Luckily, we are here for you with tools and resources to help you take that first step in your Quitting journey. "Make a plan and set a quit date today" The Florida Department of Health in Seminole County will be providing FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) when referred to a tobacco cessation class. For more information in Seminole County, call (407) 665-3278 Florida Health Seminole County

Download the Flyer

Youth Prevention

To prevent young people from using tobacco, Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) serves as an advocacy program to empower youth to stand up against the manipulative marketing tactics by the tobacco industry.

SWAT advocates from local middle and high schools are available to host tobacco-prevention projects and presentations for your agency. SWAT advocates are charged to get the word out for a tobacco-free generation.

The SWAT program is actively recruiting youth who attend a Seminole County middle or high school.

Great American Smokeout

The Tobacco Prevention Program actively participates in the annual Great American Smokeout.

For more information on the yearly celebration to encourage folks to quit smoking, visit the American Cancer Society.


Please call us at 407-665-3278 for educational materials (brochures, posters, fax referrals, and incentives) to distribute and display at your school or office.

The Tobacco Prevention Program Office is available to provide an informational in-service for your staff. There is also an on-line tobacco education training available for professions requiring continuing education credits at no cost.